I guess I'm getting used to this. I'm in another middle time - not yet operating as a photographer, not fully devoted to assisting. Three years ago I was starting to assist and ceasing to project manage. Hey. That reminds me of how glad I am that I no longer work in an office. That I get to go to different places a lot, see different people, encounter new problems, new stuff all the time, or more correctly, new stuff when I want it. Mostly.
Anyways. I've finished the pictures for my first real portfolio. I am now trying to get the physical side of it together, get my visual identity reworked, redo that website, and start promoting. After that, it's sit back and sign for the FedEx boxes full of money.
I guess now I have a blog to take care of as well, thanks to my friend Thomas Broening, who's doing so well with his...